To let every child’s first food, whenever possible, be wholesome and homemade. We endeavor to let every infant and child, whenever possible, reap the benefits of wholesome and homemade food.


Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years. Juvenile diabetes is growing at a rate of 3% annually. Environmentally related disease cost our nation over $76 billion dollars last year. Our nation’s landfills are overflowing and air pollution is a leading cause of asthma and respiratory disease.

  • The increasing incidence of childhood obesity and diabetes is linked to the abundance of unhealthy food (NIH, 2004, 2007).
  • Babies and young children are more susceptible to the harmful effects of toxins in food.
  • Most food travels over 1,200 miles before it reaches your table (baby).
  • Pre packaged baby food loses vitamins, nutrients, and taste during high temperature cooking and long distance shipping and storage.
  • Over 2 billion single use plastic food pouches end up in landfills each year. Methane gas from landfills is a leading cause of air pollution.


Wholesome and homemade food makes a difference:

  • Homemade food allows parents to choose what goes into their children’s bodies, reducing exposure to overly processed ingredients, pesticides, food dyes, preservatives, and genetically modified organisms (GMO’s).
  • A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and monounsaturated fats reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes.
  • Food maintains vitamin and mineral richness.
  • Less energy used in food transportation.
  • Less air pollution.
  • Reduced waste in packaging.


A small 3.5oz store bought pouch can cost anywhere from $1.25 per pouch to $3.00 per pouch.  A 2.5 oz jar of baby food can cost anywhere from $.50 cents to $1.40; homemade costs about $.05 to $.10 cents per 2.5 oz; savings which can add up to hundreds of dollars  annually!

Note: We are not medical doctors but parents who care about our children, food, and our environment. Information herein is gathered from current research by doctors, nutritionists, food industry analysts, and food scientists.