Pureed Baby FoodFor babies and young children, how to get the best consistency for homemade baby food is key, for their preferences and your reusable food pouch. Food consistency is equally important to taste, and food consistency can grow with your baby. For our resealable food pouches, we suggest making your purees a bit thicker as the children get older, so they're less likely to spill out as little hands eat and play.


For tips on making homemade baby food thicker, we love this thoughtful article by Maggie Mead at WholesomeBabyFood.com.


Testing new flavors, flavor combinations and textures is part of the fun of introducing your baby to new foods, much as variety continues to be for children and adults. Anyone who has tried the "Just grapefruits" or "Just meats" types of diets can attest: variety is the spice of life (at least as far as food goes). The same old thing gets boring, and baby learns this quickly.


Once you've passed the introducing-one-food-item-at-a-time phase of homemade baby food, you can start adding in nutritional powerhouse items that also add texture. For example, ground flax seed, bits of raisins, even well chopped broccoli tops (just don't be alarmed when you find little bits of broccoli tops in baby's diaper the next day), all work well in a reusable food pouch too. Have fun experimenting and don't forget to have the camera nearby, as baby is bound to showcase some fabulous new expressions as she tries new flavors and consistencies. Then share your photos with our Squooshi community.